Executive Committee
Jordan Heller
President: Deputy General Counsel, St. Luke's Health System
Adam Richins
Past President: Chief Operating Officer, Idaho Power
Raleigh Vachek
Vice President: Principal, RW Investment Management
Doug Holloway
Secretary: Director, City of Boise Parks & Recreation
Travis Stright
Treasurer: Senior Associate, Figure 8 Investment Strategies
Benji Simmonds
Innovation Grant Committee Chair: Supervisor, Music, Fine Arts and PE
Jennifer Henderson
Executive Director
Voting Directors
Jill Aldape
Vice President, Philanthropy Saint Alphonsus
David Brigham
Vice President, Commercial Portfolio Manager, Wells Fargo
Amy McNally Brown
Consulting Attorney, Arent Fox Schiff
Stephanie Donaldson
Director of Performance Psychology, Boise State University
Kami Faylor
Director of Strategy and Operations, Micron Foundation
Derick Gardner
Principal, Capital High School
Brian Hart
Director, Analytics and Insights, Proctor & Gamble
Randy Lance
Principal, Amity Elementary
Elizabeth Langley
Trustee, Boise School District
Patrick Ngalamulume
Associate, Parsons, Behle & Latimer
Jennifer Sampson
Community Volunteer
Amy Stahl
Director of Communications & Marketing, Select Health
Beth Toal
Vice President Communications & Marketing, St. Luke's Health System
Chad Wright
Principal, Les Bois Jr. High
Shane Wright
Vice President Human Resources, Jacksons Companies
Shawn Del Ysursa
Community Volunteer
Student Directors
Boise High School
Rosaura Albizo Barron
Borah High School
Capital High School
Penny Lew Barnett
Frank Church High School
Timberline High School
Honorary Directors
Beverly Harad
Community Patron
James V. Hawkins
Community Patron
Robert Maynard
Chief Investment Officer, Public Employees Retirement System of Idaho
Lauren McLean
Mayor, City of Boise
Nels Mitchell
Community Patron
Gary G. Michael
Community Patron
Lisa Roberts
Superintendent, Boise School District